Blog posts with the tag: "Energy"
Wednesday 3 April 2013
The ‘Aspen Daily News’ reported yesterday that the city’s energy efficiency programme is ‘working too well’. To be fair the comment was journalistic and the Mayor of Aspen actually said the issue is ‘a good problem to have’. Aspen’s electricity demand has been declining by 1.3 per cent annually since 2008 even while the number…
Tuesday 26 March 2013
As soon as there is discussion of energy efficiency and the potential for improving energy efficiency, someone counters with the argument that reducing energy use per unit of output only leads to more energy use as people and firms spend some (or all) of the money saved by greater efficiency on more consumption, resulting in…
Monday 18 March 2013
I saw a video of a great TED talk today by Justin Hall-Topping, ‘Freeing energy from the grid’. The video, along with my current re-reading for the nth plus 1 time of one of Arthur C. Clarke’s great science fiction novels, ‘Imperial Earth’, reminded me of the expression ‘the future isn’t what it used…
Tuesday 12 March 2013
We are at the beginning of not one but two revolutions, an energy revolution and a finance revolution. The global financial crisis exposed the stupidity, greed and complete lack of ethics in large parts of the financial system. Lots of people made an awful lot of money without doing anything useful. Banks built dubious…
Monday 11 March 2013
The term ESCo, or Energy Service Company is widely used to describe companies that develop energy efficiency projects in clients facilities and then either invest themselves, less and less common by the way as balance sheets are constrained, or bring a third party source of finance to fund the projects. In a classic Energy Performance…
Dr Steven Fawkes
Welcome to my blog on energy efficiency and energy efficiency financing. The first question people ask is why my blog is called 'only eleven percent' - the answer is here. I look forward to engaging with you!
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